Export Basics helps you assess your export readiness, understand what you need to know and consider before pursuing an international sales strategy, and, when you are ready, develop and implement your export strategy.
What are some resources that can help with exporting U.S. food and agricultural products?
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides numerous online resources for agricultural exporters, including import requirements for specific products and countries. For additional assistance with agricultural exports please contact the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service: (202) 690-3576.
Does the U.S. Federal Government have any programs to help advertise my products?
Commercial News USA (CNUSA) is a catalog-magazine distributed outside of the United States, free of charge to buyers, through U.S. Embassies/Consulates and trading partners worldwide. It is the official United States Department of Commerce showcase for American-made products and services. Each issue reaches an estimated 400,000 readers worldwide in 176 countries. Exporters can advertise U.S. products and services in CNUSA by calling Associated Business Publications International at 1-800-581-8533, visiting the website at, or contacting local Department of Commerce U.S. Export Assistance Centers (USEAC). A list of USEACs is available at by clicking on "Find a Local U.S. Office" or by calling 1-800-USA-TRAD(E) (1-800-872-8723) and speaking with a Trade Information Center (TIC) international trade specialist.
Are there sources of legal assistance for people who are new to exporting?
District Export Councils (DEC): Community business leaders whose knowledge of international business and trade serves as a valuable source of professional advice for local companies. Read More on the DEC...